Friday, June 18, 2010

Eco-friendly Cars

    There is no doubt that over the last decade we have seen a massive increase in eco-friendly cars as damage to the environment becomes more and more apparent around the world. This new thirst for eco-friendly cars has led to the expansion of the electric car market and there are high hopes for the future.

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    Electric cars

    There's no doubt that the eco-friendly electric car is the ultimate in environmentally friendly travel and the historic stigma attached to electric vehicles has all but disappeared. It is the massive investment within this area that has managed to turn public opinion more in favour of electric car travel than ever before. However, there is still much work to be done if electric cars are to become commonplace around the world.

    Hybrid cars

    Hybrid cars are more eco-friendly than traditional fuel powered cars and they are much like a half way house offering the ability to incorporate both electric motors and traditional fuel powered internal combustion engines. It is his ability to reduce the damage to the environment which is attracting the attention of many people who are looking to do their bit for the environment while also maintaining a reliable form of travel.

    Recharging stations

    Recharging stations for electric vehicles are few and far between at the moment and this is an area which is a bone of contention for environmentalists. Until governments around the world encourage investment in recharging stations there will be severe restrictions on the distance electric car owners can travel in the knowledge that a recharge is just around the corner.

    Solar recharging systems

    While the problem of recharging stations for electric vehicles is still to be solved by governments around the world a number of new initiatives have been introduced. Solar panel recharging systems are now available which allow electric car batteries to be recharged on the move and allow energy to be stored for later use. Perhaps solar power is the ultimate in environmentally friendly energy and this is something which car manufacturers are starting to appreciate.

    Regenerative braking

    The ability to harness what has in the past been wasted energy from a vehicle is actually the Holy Grail of the energy efficiency market. There have been massive improvements in regenerative braking systems which effectively allow the vehicles to harness what has in the past been wasted energy, lost when breaking, into a power stream to recharge onboard batteries. When you consider how many times you brake in your car each and every day the potential for energy efficiency and energy saving is enormous.


    Despite having a somewhat slow start there is no doubt that electric cars are the way forward and with problems in the oil market, more and more people are now looking towards alternative means of travel. Governments have now realised that there is a need to encourage investment in this particular area and we're seeing more government grants and government tax incentives around the world. Indeed the UK government recently announced a £200 million guarantee and loan agreement with Nissan UK to encourage the manufacture of electric cars in the UK.

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