Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster.
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster.

  • PBF
    Apr 3, 06:52 PM
    Not that I'm aware of currently, but you know that will be an extension as soon as it is released.
    But why would Apple not do it my way by default??? Google did. Smart and logical of them.

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster

  • Rustus Maximus
    May 3, 11:19 AM
    "Install" is much better than launching a disc image, opening an applications window, and then dragging the icon over to the other window.

    If that 'old' process is too complicated for people then I truly weep for the future.

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M Coupé [E86]
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M Coupé [E86]

  • MCIowaRulz
    Apr 12, 10:03 PM
    Well i'll tell you this FCP 5 (floating around in places i won't mention) is around 1.5 GB so If it is on the App store It will be 1 BIG download for me.
    (3 Mbps cable line here)

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M coupe
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M coupe

  • Snowy_River
    Nov 15, 07:08 PM
    Im really looking forwards to this, if the 8-core 2.66 Macpro its going to cost just a little more than a quad 3ghz Macpro, im going to be buying as soon as it hits the website...

    As a recent Mac switcher, coming straight in with a base spec macpro(4x2.66/4gb/1750gbHDD), im now happy to invest in a more powerful machine.

    My only concern is the heat... my current Macpro runs 24/7 and 95% of the time is at full load across all 4 cores... and its still silent with temps never going over 52c... will these quad core chips run much hotter, meaning the front fans have to spin faster/noisier to keep the machine cool?

    Given your current machine, you might consider just swapping in new CPUs. :)

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 04:42 PM
    It's not about being groundbreaking perse. It's about making the look & feel of the UI similar to iOS devices so that those who use are using iOS devices but switching to the Mac don't have a steep learning curve.

    Makes sense to me.

    But they could have made it much better, intuitive and easy. It doesn't mean that going from iOS to MacOSX, you are going to deal with the computers, the same old way.

    People are not pointing with fingers and now they have an extra real estate. A mouse has both right click and left click which in my opinion, every computer user knows about.

    For a second, forget that you have never seen iOS, but you want to delete the app from launchpad, the only way that comes to your mind is either:

    holding the app and dropping into trash OR
    right click -> delete

    It doesn't have to be the same, seriously.

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M Coupe,
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M Coupe,

  • KevanDual2.5
    Sep 7, 03:16 AM
    You are alone on this one - the end of the G5 iMac has already happened, in fact it happened a long time ago when Apple introduced the first Intel iMacs. Hate to break it to ya, but G5 iMacs haven't been around for a long time, nor does a 24" G5 iMac even exist. :p :cool:

    As for this new incarnation of the Intel iMac though, it totally depends on Apple's strategy. If they want to leave it as a desktop computer, yeah, it probably doesn't make sense to get much bigger. However, if they want to eventually incorporate a TV tuner and make it even more media-centric, and have it evolve into something else, then this may just be the beginning, not the end. :cool:

    As other people have recognised..... the reference to G5 is in relation to the exterior, not the chipset.

    I don't know whether you're right or wrong about a possible design change in the near future, but your terminology is wrong.
    The G5 iMac is not a model. The G5 is a CPU. The iMac has not been a "G5" (or, to be more correct, has not had a G5) since January.
    It's just "iMac." A G5 with a Core 2 Duo chip is like spouting off how you have a great "Intel Pentium Athlon machine made by AMD." People will see right through the ignorance.

    Some people have recognised that the reference to G5 relates to the exterior design, not the chips inside.

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. Bmw Z4 M Coup
  • Bmw Z4 M Coup

  • GeekOFComedy
    Jun 23, 12:09 AM
    Current Mac computers running on Intel Chipset, Running OS X then dashboard with emulating Apple A4 Processor. As all macs nearly have 4GB of ram 512MB taken out for dashboard isn't bad when you quit said dashboard it stops emulating A4 and 512MB The iMac can be touchscreen. The Other macs can operate iOS4 with it's either mouse or remember the rumor for the trackpad media device. They could operate iOS4 on Mac minis and Mac Pros with that device and for the MacBooks operate it on the magic trackpad

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster

  • dmcgann
    Sep 8, 03:58 PM
    i think apple will announce a hard drive specifically for these downloads approx the size of a dvd player! you put it on top of your dvd player and you can download the movie to the hard drive through airport! you can then wirelessly control the hard drive with your computer! this would make high def a possibility! just a thought!

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster picture
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster picture

  • GregA
    Aug 24, 08:14 PM
    I definitely think that Apple should try to get a Conroe chip in that computer (or else release a mid-sized tower).Yeah... Merom or Conroe for the iMac? And I think maybe they DO need a mid-sized tower... the laptops have MacBook and MacBook Pro, we've got "Mac Pro", all we need is a "Mac"??

    A 2 Duo in the low end and it will make a fantastic media center. Even better if they include a superdrive (unlikely :(). Have to wait and see....I'd love to see an Apple media center - really an Apple TiVo, plus iTMS TV downloads. But if all we want is a media center, how important is the CPU? Isn't all the important stuff in the graphics card? I'd rather "cheap" than "able to run photoshop" :) (I really don't know where I sit on "Able to run iMovie on my TV" - I think I'd rather use my Mac)

    Anyway, I wonder if Apple has any plans to pull together 3 rumours - iPod Video, iTMS movie store, and Mac Mini Media Centre. It'd make an interesting announcement.

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M Coupe Lease
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M Coupe Lease

  • Marx55
    Jul 14, 03:28 AM
    Cheaper Blu-ray next month: "BenQ to launch Blu-ray Disc writer in August"

    Blu-ray is awesome for backups as well as HDTV and HD movies in general. You can also have much more content on a Blu-ray than on a HD-DVD disk.

    So, should Blu-ray drop prices more to match HD-DVD as seems the trend, the election is clear: Blu-ray for ever!

    Apple: go for it with the option ot two-drive BTO Macs. We need them.

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. Bmw Z4 M Coupe.
  • Bmw Z4 M Coupe.

  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 19, 02:46 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)...I can't remember the last time I've read 16 pages of replies on MacRumors without the word "fanboy" endlessly repeated. Guess the trolls are only on the iOS stories...

    That's what separates the 'boys' from the 'men'. We are the hardcore bunch here-we don't mess around (unlike the kids playing at the other side of the MR sandbox).

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster picture
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M Roadster picture

  • EagerDragon
    Oct 23, 06:16 PM
    At this rate the PowerBook G5 will be here before the Merom.

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M Picture Gallery
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M Picture Gallery

  • Mulyahnto
    Oct 23, 09:32 AM who?

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. The Z4 Coupe
  • The Z4 Coupe

  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 12:02 PM
    Which is why desktops won't die out.


    Dont get me wrong...I love my iPad 2. I just could never give up the ease and efficiency of a Dektop.

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. Dashboard 2008 BMW Z4 M
  • Dashboard 2008 BMW Z4 M

  • BlizzardBomb
    Sep 1, 01:17 PM
    Just think of how high the resolution on a 42" screen would be like. 4800 x 3000? At least a dozen megapixels!

    Hmm.. I don't think that's a valid resolution. The next 16:10 up is WQUXGA at 3840x2400 and if Apple go crazy, WHUXGA at a monstrous 7680x4800 (the benchmark in 2015 ;) ).

    Conroe inside a new design is much more likely.

    Much more likely according to who? Sorry but when two great sites like AppleInsider and MacOSXRumors agree 100% with each other, then it seems that it's almost certainly going to be that way.

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. 2008 BMW Z4 M Coupe,
  • 2008 BMW Z4 M Coupe,

  • twoodcc
    Feb 4, 05:09 PM
    congrats to badlight for 1 million points!

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. BMW Z4 M Coupe from German
  • BMW Z4 M Coupe from German

  • rdlink
    May 3, 04:50 AM
    Great, but why use "Click and hold" when you can right click? Why implement the limitations of a small touch screen into a full computer that has the ability to do more? I hate things that require a delay. Click and hold sucks.


    I hope they leave both options available. I have no problem with adding this functionality to OS X for those who want the IOS experience on their desktop. But please leave the "old" way for those of us who prefer it.

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. BMW Z4 M Roadster Lease
  • BMW Z4 M Roadster Lease

  • Proud Liberal
    Aug 16, 09:54 AM
    I have no interest in downloading music on the go or waving around my songs wirelessly.

    How about an iPod where we actually increase the quality of audio instead of compromising how everything sounds for the "latest" features. Now we put in even more weak audio components to make up for the lack of power because of a wireless feature.


    How about an iPod with increased capacity so that we can actually increase the quality of the audio instead of compromising how everything sounds for the "latest" features.

    Bmw Z4 M Coupe �08. BMW Z4 M Coupe
  • BMW Z4 M Coupe

  • Mulyahnto
    Jul 19, 03:51 PM
    Analysts' expectation of $3.68B revenue is incorrect. Apple exceeded income expectations by 10c per share and was in line with revenue expectation of about $4.4B.

    Mar 24, 01:40 PM
    That's not clever at all. You'd still be stuck with the Intel GPU on the internal screen.

    Not if they redesign the Macbooks so the video signal goes back the other way down the thunderbolt cable and directly to the display.

    Although using a 2GB HD 6970 on a 1280x800 display is a bit silly.

    Oct 24, 05:46 AM
    I'd love to see a new design, but I'll be happy with:
    1. C2D 2.33GHz
    2. bigger HD, with easy-swap HD bay
    3. heat problems, "mooing," and random-shutdowns solved

    Anything else will be icing on the cake!



    Completely right. As everyone else has speculated, it seems likely that the big overhaul will be early next year. That said, if this revision has the upgrades you mentioned, I'll be elated. I'd much rather have a functional (i.e. not overheating, mooing, and whining) machine than a feature-crammed but functionally useless one. Stability, in this case, is probably more important than unworkable new features.

    Jan 3, 04:39 PM
    No phone of any kind will be presented. Steve will publicly quash the rumor saying that Apple has looked at the existing market and can't find a value-add there. After that, a bluetooth iPod/cell phone interface will be presented that allows your iPod to show caller ID and shut off when a call comes in. It also allows for initiating calls from the iPod address book.
    iPods will get a HD bump to 100Gb & 60Gb at the same price point, Nano & Shuffles may also get larger storage, but not likely.
    No wide screen iPod will be shown. Steve will say it saps too much battery life, and will point to the Zune as the example of "what not to do".

    I think i actually consider that a realistic idea, though there are better batteries out there so the reason for zunes lousy battery life is the need for it to be sold at 250. i think if there will be any sort of widescreen ipod, it will have to be at least 350-450 dollars for the sake of putting a decent battery and high resolution screen in such a small package.

    May 3, 04:44 PM
    The Quad i5 or i7?

    The i7. I actually have an i7 920 in my PC but the sandy bridge is still a good upgrade.

    Mar 25, 03:34 PM (

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